

If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can return or exchange your products within 14 days of the delivery date, provided that:

  1. The products are un-used and unwashed. You are of course allowed to try the products on to see if they fit you .
  2. The products are in essentially the same state and quantity in which you received them. Returned items must include the original box or suit bag in its original condition.
  3. All the other labels of the item, both in tissue or pending, must be backed up and never removed from the article.
  4. Send Returns to:
    Via Legnano, 31
    24124 Bergamo
    Phone: +39.035.362006
  5. The shipping fees will be at the Customer’s expense.

For deliveries outside the European Union, the Customer is responsible for all duties, taxes and customs fees, paid to the carrier upon parcel reception.

For all the Swiss and UK Resident before sending the items back for a refund or exchange please emaill us at:

The cost of collecting the package is about € 40,00.

In case of failed return, the customer will have to comply with the conditions listed above, DMD reserves the right not to accept the goods delivered and returned to the client at the expense of the latter.
DMD is not responsible for any loss or damage due to inadequate packaging or delay in delivery.


Once you package is received by our warehouse it takes 3 working days for the refund or exchange. The shipping fees will be at our expense.


While fully respecting the rights of the Customer and to ensure complete satisfaction, DMD undertakes to grant to Customer the right of withdrawal, as required by Legislative Decree 22 May 1999 185 “Implementation of Directive 97 / 7/CE on the protection of consumers in respect of distance contracts.

For more info please contact the following e-mail adress:


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Ozone S.r.l. | Via Grismondi, 4 - 24124 Bergamo (BG) Italy - Tel. +39 035.362006 - P.Iva IT03111740167